Trick-or-treat shut down in part of Wyandotte due to cockroaches

Myesha Johnson
The Detroit News

Wyandotte — Residents in the Downriver community have been warned that trick-or-treating Monday evening could result in further infestation of pests in their neighborhood.

Officials in Wyandotte sent out a notice to residents Tuesday saying that the city identified a cockroach infestation in a property near 20th Street and the roaches have migrated off that property and into neighboring properties.

Subsequently, sidewalks from Eureka Street to Grove Street will be closed from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday, so that the infestation does not continue to grow.

"The city is working toward eliminating the source of this roach infestation but it will take some time," Gregory Mayhew, Wyandotte city engineer, said in the notice.

The notice suggested residents spray insecticide along sidewalks, streets, lawn and curb areas to prevent further travel of the cockroaches.

Barricades and signage will be placed in the area and on sidewalks at Grove Street, the intersection of Orchard Road and Pine Road and at Eureka Road, closing the street and sidewalks to pedestrian and vehicles.