Get to know me: Pro poker player Jordan Young

Tony Paul
The Detroit News
Muskegon's Jordan Young has won more than $700,000 playing poker tournaments.

The latest in The Detroit News' series of “15 Things You Don’t Know About Me” — Jordan Young, a professional poker player from Muskegon who's competing in the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas. His career tournament earnings have exceeded $700,000.

1. I was 17 when I knew what I wanted to do for a living: become a professional poker player.

2. I've moved to Toronto; Cabo San Lucas, Mexico; Rosarito, Mexico; and Las Vegas, all for poker.

3. I have an English Bulldog named Doogan, and he’s the best at making me feel better whenever I come home after losing a bunch of money. Haha!

Jordan Young's big-ticket purchase after his first big poker win: an English bulldog named Doogan.

4. I’ve been an avid golfer since I was 9.

5. My two favorite movies are "Rounders" and "Good Will Hunting."

6. The biggest buy-in tournament I’ve played was $25,000. I lost $25,000 that day.

7. I am the second-oldest of 4 children. I have three sisters.

8. My favorite animal is the Orca. A secret passion of mine is to win a huge tournament so I can help free captive Orcas.

9. I’m a partner with two friends of the poker training academy, Solve For Why.

10. As a kid, my favorite thing to do was to catch painter turtles with a fishing net at my cabin with my dad. My sisters and I would then race the turtles off the dock as our way of releasing them back into the lake.

11. I can cut a deck of cards with one hand.

Jordan Young now lives in Las Vegas, but makes several trips back to Michigan each year.

12. I like all genres of music, but if we’re on a boat, it has to be country music.

13. I meditate daily, practice yoga, and play softball twice a week.

14. Favorite food: burritos — that my mom makes.

15. Favorite ice cream: mint chocolate chip.

You can follow Jordan Young, 31, on Twitter @Jymaster11.

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